Meaningful opportunities on Mars!
Patrol Mars is a indie VR flight game taking place on Mars.
Pilot’s task is to fly various patrol and oversight missions. Primary focus is on monitoring assets recently acquired from the OWI estate.
Player will operate Robuc MULe 3200 utility craft equipped with a industry standard toolset. Mechanic skills are not required but due to harsh condition, ability to occasionally cope with impaired equipment is required.
Celestial expects candidate to have or obtain problem solving skills, mastery of flight and active action oriented attitude. Even if your resume doesn’t show these attributes it is worth applying.

Celestial is a multinational and now multiplanetary conglomerate with over 30,000 employees operating in over 15 countries and in multiple fields.
Pilot will operate in a matrix organization as a member of Celestial Security personnel. However due to the structure of the Mars project the operational management and direct reporting is handled by Celestial Construction.
Celestial is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status or other factors unrelated to the employees performance.
At the time being English is the only work language on the Mars operation.

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One core pillar in Patrol Mars is believable fantasy – part of this comes from immersive aircraft, and also the workplace experience.
You don’t have to fill in TPS reports* but the game might here and there poke fun at corporate bureaucracy or disconnected HR initiatives.
In the end being forgotten on a distant planet has its perks and disadvantages. At least most of the time you are left alone to do your best.
*TPS reports is a Office Space movie reference. This is a semi-boomer game. I told you, no loot boxes.

Current state of the game